Our facility is unique in our ability to work exotic #materials.
High pressure waterjet when combined with specialist #machining is only limited by ones ability and imagination.
A lifetime of industry knowledge has resulted in a great understanding of exotic materials and how to work them:
Inconel 625 – 718
Yellow metals and bronzes
Stainless 301 -316 -410 – duplex – super duplex – PDF colour coated stainless sheet
CS70 – 80 – 90
Toolsteels - A2, D2, H13, P20, M2, M42, powder steels.
Forged alloys
Aluminium and tooling plate. 1000 series – 5000 series – 6000 series – 7000 series
Carbon fibre sheet
GRP sheet
Super #alloys can be very restricted in availability – the ability of having high pressure waterjet on site allows us to produce an instant complex billet that is suitable for machining instantly eliminating days of process time. This combined with our machines that are designed for very high torque at very low surface speeds solves the complex machining of these difficult super alloys.
#Carbon can be difficult to #waterjet intricate internal profiles but combination of high pressure water and complex #machining solves most problems.
Super soft #aluminium can be very challenging to work with but combining water and machining solves this.
High carbon materials need to be worked with heat treatment knowledge to eliminate heat effected zones, carbon transformation, and the combination of water and machining solves these problems.
We are experts in #metal working and a solution provider to all industry needs.